Install Python package from PyPI#


Kotori can be installed in different variants.

Setting up Kotori as Python package is suitable for installing on platforms where there is no native distribution package available yet.

We recommend to either use the pip install --user option in order not to clutter your distribution Python or use a virtualenv. In this manner, your installation will not require root permissions and the Python libraries of your system distribution will stay completely untouched.

When aiming to work on the source code of Kotori, we recommend to read the documentation about how to Setup development sandbox.

Installation on CPython#


Installing Kotori using a Python package might need development tools properly installed:

apt install build-essential python3-dev python3-pip libffi-dev libssl-dev

From PyPI#

Kotori releases are published to

# Set option to make the pip installer prefer binary dependencies
# This might prevent compilation steps for some of them

# Install latest Kotori release with extra features "daq" and "export"
pip install --user kotori[daq,export]

# Install more extra features
pip install --user kotori[daq,daq_geospatial,export,plotting,scientific,firmware]

# Install particular version
pip install --user kotori[daq,export]==0.26.6

From git repository#

pip install --user --prefer-binary --editable git+[daq]

Using virtualenv#

# Create virtualenv
python3 -m venv .venv

# Activate virtualenv
source .venv/bin/activate

# Install package
pip install kotori

Installation on PyPy#


brew install pypy3 openblas lapack

Using virtualenv#

pypy3 -m venv .venvpypy
source .venvpypy/bin/activate

export OPENBLAS="$(brew --prefix openblas)"
export LAPACK="$(brew --prefix lapack)"
pip install --prefer-binary --no-binary=numpy kotori[daq,export]